Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Reprint! 'In the Fog, There's Nothing but Grey' in Silver Blade

'In the Fog, There's Nothing but Grey,' (dark fantasy, 1,500 words) originally published in the late, lamented Black Static, has been reprinted in Issue 58 of the wonderful Silver Blade Magazine

This is a pending-apocalypse story taking place during an epidemic of amnesia, and is about finding out who you are by watching what you do... 

Nobody’s gone in or out of the pub for a long time, so it makes us all jump when the door opens. I hadn’t even realised it was unlocked. 

‘Here comes trouble,’ Gil says.

 He says that about everything, from Chrissie coming back from the Ladies to pigeons landing on the roof, but this time I think he could be right — there’s something about this newcomer that sets my spidey-sense humming. I can’t put my finger on what, but sometimes that’s how it is: the eyes send a message straight to the hairs on the back of the neck, bypassing the brain completely. Which maybe isn’t such a bad thing, considering the brain’s not the be-all and end-all it used to be.

Read the full story here

Friday, January 10, 2025

Reprint! 'Light Winds with a Chance of Velociraptors' in Sages of Metaphorosis anthology


Light Winds with a Chance of Velociraptors (comic fantasy, 2,578 words), originally published by Metaphorosis Magazine in June 2017, has been reprinted in their latest anthology 'Sages,' a collection of 20 terrific stories by authors who were over 50 at the time of writing. Old farts unite! 

Find the anthology here