Dead Bodies Don't Scream (Horror) appeared in Dark Tales 4 (Ed. Dorothy Davies, Gravestone Press), July 2023
You Pay Your Money and You Take Your Chance (SF) appeared in audio at Manawaker Studio Flash Fiction Podcast ep 0823, July 2023
Not the Pizza Girl (Comic fantasy) appeared in The Best of Metastellar Year 2 (Ed. Geordie Morse, Maria Gringa, Melody Friedenthal, Metastellar Press)
Supply, Demand, and Armageddon (SF) will appear in Androids & Dragons Magazine
At the Bottom of the Rabbit Hole, Please Proceed to Checkout (SF) will appear in Paranoid Tree
The Day My Mum Chucked a Bloke From the Government Through the Wormhole in Our Garden (Comic Fantasy) will appear in Impossible Worlds Quarterly