Friday, May 31, 2024

New story: 'At the Bottom of the Rabbit Hole, Proceed to Checkout' in Paranoid Tree


'At the Bottom of the Rabbit Hole, Proceed to Checkout' is out now in issue 40 of Paranoid Tree, a terrific lit/art magazine that produce gorgeous print editions that open out into little posters. Check out the online and print versions! 

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

New Podcast! Not Recommended for Guests of a Philosophically Uncertain Disposition at Tall Tale TV


My whimsical fantasy story ‘Not Recommended for Guests of a Philosophically Uncertain Disposition’ has been podcasted by the talented Chris Herron of Tall Tale TV. He did a terrific job, and I absolutely love the artwork that went with the story. Give it a listen

Friday, February 23, 2024

Latest Story News!



I Am Not Your Doppelgänger (fantasy) appeared in Flights of Fantasy (Ed. Stacey Jaine McIntosh, Iron Faerie Publishing), Oct 2023

Supply, Demand, and Armageddon (comic SF) appeared in Androids and Dragons, Nov 2023

The Restoration of Carrion Cottage (horror) appeared in Dark Moments Year 5 (Black Hare Press), Dec 2023

The Day My Mum Chucked a Bloke From the Government Through the Wormhole in Our Garden (comic fantasy) appeared in Impossible Worlds Issue IV, Dec 2023


Not Recommended for Guests of a Philosophically Uncertain Disposition (comic fantasy) will appear on Tall Tale TV

Thursday, January 11, 2024

New story! The Day My Mum Chucked a Bloke From the Government Through the Wormhole in Our Garden in Impossible Worlds


Out now! Impossible Worlds Issue IV, featuring my comic fantasy 'The Day My Mum Chucked a Bloke From the Government Through the Wormhole in Our Garden' 

Six stories of wonder, amazement, and just straight up oddities! From a cat obsessed with Duchovny to government interference in spatial anomalies, this 4th edition of Impossible Worlds is sure to please any SFF Fan. 

Find it here: Impossible Worlds Issue IV, Dec 2023

Friday, January 5, 2024

New story! The Restoration of Carrion Cottage in Dark Moments

My short horror The Restoration of Carrion Cottage is out now in the  Black Hare Press YEAR FIVE anthology: a culmination of all the nano-tales published in the Dark Moments online archive during 2023, and the PATREON stories. 

A perfect restoration project, the estate agent called the place. Well, the website did. Nobody actually bothered coming out there with us, just left the keys and directions at the office. I suppose didn’t see the point; there was little to vandalise and nothing to steal, and if someone had burned it down it would probably have done them a favour.

Available for download here 

Thursday, January 4, 2024

Reprint! 'Supply, Demand, and Armageddon' in Androids & Dragons


My science-meets-capitalism comic SF story, 'Supply, Demand, and Armageddon,' first published by Wyldblood Magazine in April 2022, has been reprinted by new spec fic journal Androids and Dragons

 'Seriously? Have you never watched a single science fiction film in your entire life?' She shook her head. 'I've seen this story before, Remi, and it doesn't end well.' 

 Read it for free here