Published Works



Howling at the Waning Moon (Fantasy)

At the Bottom of the Rabbit Hole, Proceed to Checkout (Fantasy) 

The Day My Mum Chucked a Bloke From the Government Through the Wormhole in Our Garden (Comic fantasy) 

The Restoration of Carrion Cottage (Horror)

What Do You See in This Picture? (Crime)

Balloons (SF):

The Logistics of the End of the World (SF):

Never Meet Your Heroes (Comic Fantasy): 

On Blackened Wings (Horror): 

The Voices of the Dead (Horror): 

Apples and Trees (Crime):
  •  Jacked (Ed. Vern Smith, Run Amok Books) Jul 2022

Supply, Demand, and Armageddon (SF): 

What Doesn't Kill You

The Glorious Protection of Angels (Horror): 

Let the Buyer Beware (Comic Fantasy): 

WOO! (Fantasy): 

Sale or Return (SF): 

Ghosts in the Psycho-Surgical Transmutation Machine

The Bad Ones Are Always the Best (Horror): 

In the Fog, There's Nothing but Grey

Dead Bodies Don't Scream (Horror): 

Failure's Not an Option

15 Things You Should Know Before You Say Yes (SF): 

Light Winds With a Chance of Velociraptors (Comic fantasy): 

The Five Stages of Grief
(Superhero Fantasy): 

When I Loved Him, it was Forever (Horror): 

Responsible Employers Take Care of Their People (Horror):

Harmonious Music and the Spawn of the Devil (Crime): 

Fast as Lightning, Still as Stone (Horror): 

We're All Friends Here (SF): 

Good, Fine, No
  • Solarcide, Sep 2016

God State (SF): 

Eternally Fecund

A Partial Inventory of Things I Have Loved (Fantasy): 

I Am Not Your Doppelgänger

My Sister, the Fairy Princess

Best Friends Forever (SF):

Sometimes You're the Windscreen, Sometimes You're the Fly

Where There's Magic (Fantasy): 

Not Recommended for Guests of a Philosophically Uncertain Disposition (Fantasy): 

To Haunt His Own Exhausted Heart

Send in the Ninjas (Fantasy): 

Always Room for More

Please Enter Through the Meditation Room, the Snack Bar's on Your Left (Fantasy): 
The Kind Hearts of Children and the Spirit of the Season (Horror): 

Possibly Nefarious Purposes (SF): 
  • Love Hurts (Ed. Tricia Reeks, Meerkat Press), Dec 2015

And in the End, They All Lived Happily Ever After (Fantasy): 

Smash and Grab

The Visitors (SF): 

Wrong Word (SF): 

Born Under a Lucky Star (Horror): 

Waiting to Burn (Fantasy): 

Jump, and I'll Catch You (SF): 

Tomorrow, We'll Go Yak Herding (SF): 

Black Thumb

Garden of Fog and Monsters
  • Astronomical Odds (Ed. Juliana Rew, Third Flatiron Publishing), Mar 2014 
  • Beyond Science Fiction Magazine, May 2015
  • First Contact (Ed. Jorge Salgado-Reyes, Indie Authors Press), Apr 2019

Organic Materials (Horror/Humour): 

To Remember the Good Times (SF): 

The World Doesn't End, Even When it Should

You Pay Your Money and You Take Your Chance (SF): 
Seeing Red (SF): 
  • Bete Noire Magazine Issue 13, Dec 2013

The Portal to a Lost World (SF): 

Wolf, or Faith in the Future (SF): 

Congratulations on Your Apotheosis (Fantasy/Humour): 

The Visiphorical Art (Supernatural Horror): 

You Don't Want What I Get (Horror/Crime) 
  • Untied Shoelaces of the Mind, Sep 201
  • The Sirens Call Issue 37, Feb 2018
  • Greed (Ed. D. Kershaw, Black Hare Press), Sep 2020

Free to Loving Home (Donation Required) (SF): 

Sweetie (Horror): 

Getting Shot in the Face Still Stings (Horror/Crime): 

Destiny Fell in Love

Underneath All the Skeletons of Rats

Jeanette's Feast

Never Leave Me (Fantasy): 

Not the Pizza Girl

Out Shopping in Hyperspace

You Wish



The God of Blood and Bone

Like a Boss (Crime): 

For Your Safety and Comfort, Please Keep Arms, Legs, and Tentacles Inside the Car At All Times

    Meredith Said

    No Past, No Future, Just Now (Horror): 

    Dear Ingrid
    • Twisted Dreams Magazine, Sep 2012

    Silence (Horror): 
    • 101 Fiction, Sep 2012 

    Speeding Toward Enlightenment (Crime): 
    • The Cynic Online, August 2012

    Toil and Trouble (Fantasy): 
    • The Journal of Microliterature, Jul 2012
    • Drunk on Writing (Jinx Publishing), Dec 2014

    Damnable Behaviour

    Stop Me If You've Heard This Before (Crime): 
    • Flash Fiction Offensive, June 2012

    What We Leave Behind (Horror): 
    • Bent Masses, May 2012

    A Cat May Look at a Queen (Fantasy): 
    • Hogglepot, May 2012

    Deep (Horror): 
    • MicroHorror, May 2012 

    They Do Things Better in Albuquerque

    Communication Skills (Crime): 
    • Flash Fiction World, Apr 2012

    An Object Lesson in Misanthropy
    (SF Flash):
    • Untied Shoelaces of the Mind, Mar 2012
    • EGM Shorts, Feb 2016

      Bring It On
      • Shotgun Honey, Mar 2012

      The Fine Art of Fortune-Telling (Horror/Fantasy): 

      • Postcard Shorts Feb 2012

      Precious Things (Horror): 
      • MicroHorror, Feb 2012 
      • Drabbledark (Ed. Eric S Fomley, Shacklebound Books), Jul 2018

      There You Are, My Love (Supernatural):

      Inside (Crime/Horror): 

      Behind Glass (Horror): 

        One Free Go
        • Wily Writers Speculative Fiction, Dec 2011
        • Beyond Imagination magazine, Sep 2015
        • The Sirens Call Issue 41, Oct 2018

        Nor Any Drop to Drink (Horror): 
        • MicroHorror, Nov 2011 
        • The Flash of Fangs (Ed. Parth Sarathi Chakraborty, Wicked Shadow Press)

        Not with a Bang  (SF): 

        Legion (Crime - cw: reference to sexual violence): 

        Full Service Package

        Nameless, Unreasoning, Unjustified (SF): 
        • MicroHorror, Nov 2010

        No Apples for Mother (SF): 

        The Sacred Rule (Crime/Horror): 
        • MicroHorror, Aug 2010

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